
While many households across the globe have been preparing and heading Back-to-School, our team at The IBC has been preparing for a Back-to-Poland-&-Ukraine trip in late September.

Part of those preparations include wrapping up the Summer Support Campaign we launched in May to raise $25,000 for our local partners in Lutsk, Ukraine and Lublin, Poland.

       These Partners, The Ukrainian Dream Charity and God’s Light Church, have selflessly served and sacrificed since day one of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, unrelenting in their efforts to meet the ongoing needs of Ukrainian refugees in Poland; Internally Displaced People within Ukraine; and Soldiers, Medics and Volunteers on the front lines. 

       Our Partners and their dedicated team of volunteers operate on shoestring budgets, wisely stretching dollars so every penny counts.  Whether it’s a lightly used pair of boots, a bag of dry goods, or a warm bed to sleep, the work they do matters. It may not change the tide of the war but to the young Soldier on the front lines, the elderly Grandmother in southern Ukraine, or the Mom who fled for her life and that of her children, the work and aid offered by our Partners reminds these individuals they are seen and not forgotten and that they are valued and cared for. 

As of this week, we’ve raised $14,843 taking us over half way to our goal of $25,000 and, with a few weeks remaining in Summer, you can help us meet (and exceed) that goal by donating today! 

Donate to Summer Support

All funds raised through the campaign will be hand delivered to our Partners during our trip to Lublin and Lutsk, and will provide the financial resources needed to continue their efforts of helping those in need.  

Click HERE to learn more about our Partners and their efforts.


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