Back in a Grateful Community

Our two-man team (Matt and me, Lauren, this go-around) arrived in Warsaw, Poland late yesterday, loaded down with bags of aid and supplies, made possible by supporters like YOU!

A quick, 1.5 hour drive to Lublin this morning took us to our partner, God’s Light Church, where we were greeted with big smiles and open arms. We chatted with many of our Ukrainian refugee friends, catching up on the events of life since our last trip in February.

We met several new faces and received many Thank You’s for the work our organization is doing to help the people of Ukraine. One Ukrainian couple, in particular, said to Matt,

“If it was not for the

American people,

Ukraine would fall.”


Such a humbling and sobering reminder that the work we are doing, that you make possible, matters. We can’t think of a more perfect start to the week ahead.

We will be delivering aid here in Poland and Ukraine, so follow along with us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for the latest highlights.


New Ukrainian Art Exhibit & Auction

